Thursday, September 19, 2013



Once again, I will inform you that I was busy, so I couldn't write this when I wanted to. Pretend the date above is Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 :)

Today, like all other Wednesdays, was my shortest day of school at only 4 hours, but it always feels like the longest. I began with math. Now, I understand it when she writes on the board, but as soon as she stops writing and just speaks, I can't follow. It's difficult when you don't know the math terms. Once again, I will say that cognates save my life. Every. Single. Day. I think math is the easiest class for me at this point (and I don't count English because I don't actually learn English in the class). The teacher doesn't talk too quickly. Not to say that she doesn't speak fast, because she does, she's just one of the slower speaking teachers.

After math, I had two hours of French. I was so tired that I fell asleep. Not deeply, but I was half asleep for the entire class. It's very difficult to concentrate when you're that tired. Especially when the teacher is explaining something you didn't understand in the first place in a language you don't fully understand. Her speech turned into white noise for me. Not because she was boring. I actually don't know if she was boring or not... But sometimes I struggle with not tuning out all the French.

The fact that I can't understand the language yet frustrates me so much. It's not that I miss home or English. I miss being able to communicate with people. It's so hard to remember everything and at this point I'm not sure how to continue a conversation. This is definitely a new experience for me, as I talk a lot back home and love meeting people. I wish it was easier to express what I want to say in the manner that I want to say it in, but it isn't. I'm becoming more confident with my French, but it has been rough.

Au revoir!


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