Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Party and the Unexpected Friends


I have been here for days now and I have yet to see Montélimar! I have been living just outside of it and will hopefully visit very soon. The first few days were relatively uneventful as I have slept a lot more than I was expecting. But hey, staying up 30 hours straight will do that to a person. My sleep schedule has been really strange. The first two nights, I consistently slept from 1am - 4am and then 5am - 10am. That was thrown off last night though.

My host family took me to a party celebrating one of their friend's 50th birthday. There were two other people who had recently turned 50, so it was turned into a huge gathering. When we first arrived I was very nervous and hoped that I would be able to talk to someone without being a bumbling idiot. I awkwardly followed my host sister through the crowd and came across a British family. Now I hadn't heard consistent English in over 48 hours, so I was quite relieved. I love learning French and hearing it, but it can be a lot to handle! I have been so tired from all the concentration, and meeting these people was relaxing in a way. They were a family of five that was very nice and quite funny.  

At this party, there was a folk duo that was playing and teaching everyone group dances. They were so much fun and I cannot remember the last time I was so happy in one night. Everyone was laughing and the music was wonderful. Many of the French guests there spoke English, but I still attempted to respond in French when I could. The entire night was so wonderful. My host father brought my mandolin from the house and they must have told who they were sitting around, because I was eventually being called over to perform. 

Mind you, I have never performed in front of a group like that, but it was alright. Except for the part where I forgot the words two verses in (I blame the fact that my English is rusty)..... I just sat there awkwardly hoping they would return to me and that no one would laugh at me for being so incompetent. No one did laugh though, and when I eventually remembered and continued, the violinist in the folk duo improvised along to the song. It was a truly wonderful experience. 

After dinner, cake, and more dancing, 3/5 of the British family and I jammed a bit. And by jammed I mean we played one song that had 3 guitar chords and a piano part. So naturally, it was very upbeat and fun. The folk duo joined in on that two and improvised along the way. They were a very talented pair and the party was lucky to have them. I hope to stay in touch with the family and maybe see them in England when I go to visit my grandfather. 

This exchange has already been quite the experience and I'm only 4 days in! I have met so many wonderful people, talked with (but sadly have yet to meet) so many exchange students, and have already made memories that I hope will last a lifetime. With that I must once again thank Tacoma Narrows Rotary for this opportunity, and also Rotary Montélimar for having me! 

Au revoir!



  1. Will read your msg at next Tues bfast meeting. Hope you got your luggage.
    Need pics.

  2. My parents are sending me the SD ard reader that I forgot! So I will post pictures when I get that! I do have my luggage now :)
