Thursday, October 24, 2013



So today I'm not really going to be talking about a specific experience, just some things that I've noticed here. Mainly how much more prominent the "classic gender roles" are where I am in France. Now, I am not saying that these roles are nonexistent back in the US, I'm just saying that they stick out more in my life here.

At school, there aren't really a lot that I've noticed. Then again, I don't follow every conversation and I don't see every interaction, so there may be more, or there may not be. The first thing I noticed was with the foosball, or "babyfoot" as it's called here. No I don't know why it's called that. Anyway, there are really only 3 girls (besides myself) who play relatively seriously. I say relatively because some of the guys get really intense over a game of foosball... Moving on. I don't know why this made me think of classic gender roles. It just seems that the girls don't have a strong enough presence in the competitive things here. Like in my sport class. The day we chose which group of sports to take, almost all (not all, I promise) went for the easy ones. I'm sure that would happen in the States too if we were given the option, but like I said, it's more prominent to me here. Also it seems like guys almost expect girls to be weak. I don't have a specific example, but I just got that vibe. Like they think it's cute (like little kid cute) and expected when a girl can't play a game (like foosball) or get a problem right in math or science. I don't understand it. Most of you who know me in person know that I don't exactly like following those stereotypes...

It's also really present in my host family. Now I will say again that this could all be coincidence. I don't mean to say that my host family is bad for being like this. They aren't bad. They are wonderful. Anyway, the structure is very classic. My host mom is home for the day (she works from home), cooks the meals, and cleans (not to say that my host dad doesn't). My host dad is working at a middle school all day, serves the food, and plays video games with my host brother. The way my host mom talks about some things also make it seem super stereotypical. Like when we had crêpes the other day. We used a griddle thing in the middle of the table, but she explained that usually the mother makes the crêpes while everyone else just sits and eats. As if a dad is incapable of doing that. I don't know honestly. It could be that all French women are wonderful cooks and all French men are terrible cooks. Except the restaurant industry, with the cuisine France is famous for, is a male dominated profession. Also, they just have the stereotypical air about them. I can't explain that one. It just seems like they're a classic gender role type family.

Now, these are generalizations, it isn't concretely like this. I feel like I'm defending this a lot. I just don't want to offend anyone. I'm not trying to be rude, I'm merely stating observations that have formed my opinion. I'm not terrible. I promise.

Au revoir!

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