Thursday, October 3, 2013

You're just so...... Stereotypical


So the other day, I was in a supermarket with my host dad. Now you have to understand the entire situation or this won't make any sense. He had just bought A LOT of cheese. I'm not sure how much, but it was a lot, and he was cradling it like it was his child. Needless to say, my host dad loves cheese. The best part, however, was when we went to the other side of the store - to the wines. He looked like a kid in a candy store. It was perfect. He got all wide eyed at some of the bottles and I couldn't help but laugh. He looked at me and said how perfect it was. He had his cheese and was surrounded by wine. I told him... he just looked so FRENCH. 

And then it hit me. He is French. 

And then it hit me again. I just had a conversation in French. 

And then it hit me again...again(?). I'm in France. 

So that was the moment when I finally realized it. After over a month with my host family, a Rotary event, French school, and telling people over and over again that I am in France, it finally hit me when I was in a supermarket. In the wine section. Fitting, no? :P

I had been having a bit of a rough time with communication and was sick. But after I realized where I was /am/, all of that changed. I felt I belonged here. That has changed a little though. It's a difficult thing to describe. When I speak plain English, with my 'Murican accent, I don't hear myself anymore. When I speak French, with my god-awful French accent, I don't hear myself anymore. So basically I'm super confused about what I should be speaking and it's just really strange. The only time I hear myself is when I sing random stuff when my host parents aren't home and I'm wandering around the house wasting time. It's in English I guess, but it's all artistic and stuff (or so I tell myself). 

Well I'm off to school now. Au revoir!
