Saturday, October 12, 2013

Une petite histoire (A little story)


So today my host family and I went to a Kebab restaurant for lunch. By the way, if you're in France and haven't eaten a kebab yet, you should. Anyway, I had successfully ordered my food when the waiter asked me what I wanted to drink. Now, I wanted a Sprite, but I didn't know how the French pronounce it. So I said it in my best French accent. It sounded like "spreet". The waiter then proceeded to correct me and pronounced it the American way. 

Are you serious? I flipped out inside over not wanting to sound foreign when sounding foreign was completely appropriate? No. That is unacceptable. 

After the waiter left my host dad asked me if I spoke English. Apparently not......... He and my host mom explained that a lot of English words were kept the same, except for the ones that aren't. French is so complicated that English in French is complicated. I tried so hard to not sound like an idiot and ended up sounding like an idiot. I don't even know anymore. I should just embrace the fact that I will be forever foreign. Here, I'm foreign. When I come home, I'll seem foreign. I just can't win. Oh well! 

Au revoir!



  1. You have adapted so very quickly and should take great pride in that. You are a most accomplished young woman and at TNR we are so very proud that you are our representative. Your blogs are always interesting, an insight into France, the French and you. Thank you for keeping us updated.
    Pat Johnson

  2. That means a lot to know that TNR is still supporting me. Thank YOU for getting me to this point!
