Friday, March 22, 2013

Another update!


Wow, two posts in one week. I guess two months turned into two days. Anyway, I have news! My mom contacted the travel agent and she said the students going to France are to arrive on August 28th! Now, I haven't received my Host Guarantee forms yet, but I'm hoping those will arrive before the deadline (May 31st, which may as well be June 1st). I get to begin the visa process on April 1st, which is only a week and a smidgen away! I know I'm complaining now, and I know that the two months will be up before I realize they passed, but I still don't want to wait. I guess I should try to remember the beginning of the school year, when the end of October wouldn't come fast enough. Then it was that December 1st couldn't come fast enough. The March 9th couldn't come fast enough. Now it's March 22nd. What? Time flies and I just have to keep that in mind. I'm rambling. You should expect that in future posts. Now, where was I before that tangent? Oh yeah, visas. So in July my family is flying down to San Francisco for the visit to the consulate. Visas seem like a relatively simple concept with a complex process. Of course, the country should use all the resources they can to determine whether or not you're a serial killer, so I understand that. Rambling. Again. I should really stop doing that. Maybe next time, but for now I am off to dig up all the dirt I can on the French teenage lifestyle. Au revoir!


La phrase du jour: Je n'ai jamais été en France avant. (I have never been in France before.)

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