Monday, April 14, 2014

New Family

So last week I changed host families! I'm sorry this is so late but I've been adjusting to the new family and I haven't had the time to write. Anyway, last Sunday was my last day with my second family. It was also right before my birthday. So naturally I was a little bummed to be leaving such a wonderful family just before my birthday. But my second family, being the amazing people that they are, surprised me by inviting my first host family (who I hadn't seen since the switch) and my third host family over for an afternoon celebrating my birthday. 

Yes, I cried.

No, I am not ashamed of that.

Okay, maybe a little bit.

But still.

Anyway, moving on. With my new family, there's an entirely new rhythm (PS it took me a full minute to spell rhythm right and I'm still not sure). For one, there are no children at the house. This is a rather big change for me since I'm not an only child in the states and in my other two host families I have had two sibling who were almost always at the house. There is one daughter who comes on the weekends, but other than her, it is just me and my host parents. 

Since there are no children, dinner is not as early as it was in the other families. I had gotten used to eating around 7:00 or 7:30 in the other two families, but with this one we eat around 8:15 or 8:30. Also, I no longer have a 14 year old sister to discuss my day with. That is probably the hardest part about changing. I got really close with my host sister in my second family and now I have no one to talk to about my pointless daily problems that won't matter in 5 years. 

Things at school haven't changed much, but now I feel like the friendships I have are actually going to last beyond this year. Being able to actually speak and fully understand the language has really helped with that. Hopefully French will get even easier by the end of this all. 

Speaking of the end... The end is less than three months away. I dooooooon't liiiiiiiiiiiike thiiiiiis.

I'll be going on a bus trip around Europe in less than two weeks and I'm SUPER excited for it! I'll get to spend 10 days on a bus with a bunch of awesome exchange students. :D YAY.


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